It seems like many of my friends are getting engaged and what better time than right before the holidays. I want to hear all about your engagement:
Who was the first person you told?
Did you update your social networking status right away?
How did you announce your engagement?
I want to hear all about it.. You can comment on this post or email me your story at:
To sweeten the deal- One lucky entry winner will get a $25 Macy's Gift Card courtesy of me. Please comment/email me by November 25th @11:59pm EST. Enjoy!
I told my mother right away, but we didn't choose to tell my husband's family right away because they felt we were too young. So we basically kept it quiet.
ReplyDeleteThe first person I told was my best friend... though technically his parents were the first to know since he asked me at Christmas Eve dinner at their house. And yes, I updated my status a few hours after. lol.
ReplyDeleteMostly I just sent a mass text message to most of my friends and my sister ASAP. I was too excited to wait. But I did manage to wait to tell my mom until the next morning so I could do it in person and show her the ring!
I called my best friend and told her over the phone since she lived in another state at the time. The next day was my parents 25th wedding anniversary, so we surprised them and later everyone at the party. I will never forget my mom's reaction. She was so surprised, she just stood there with her mouth open. Once she got over it, she was super excited! (My dad knew it was coming since my now hubby asked his permission first)
The first person I told was my future mother-in-law because she knew it was happening and was anxiously awaiting a call. My parents were actually camping out of cell range so, although they knew it was happening, I couldn't call to officially tell them for a few days. After my mother-in-law, I called a few other close friends and sent a mass picture text to a lot of my friends. Then I of course updated my Facebook status within a few hours...lame I know but what are ya gonna do? And that was just pretty much how it was announced. We didn't have an engagement party and there was no formal "announcement."
ReplyDeleteI'm such a dork... I saw this on my blogger dashboard and kinda got excited when I saw this post :)
ReplyDeleteMy fiance proposed to me in St. Thomas. He took me on a surprise 5 day trip, chartered a sailboat to a private island where he popped the question. It was very surreal and highly anticipated after dating for 8 years. The first person I told was my older sister. I called her when we got back to our resort, then called my bridesmaids. When I got back home I made up some cute packages for my bridesmaids, popping the question to them "Will you be my bridesmaid"? They all accepted :)
I didn't update my 'status' online right away as I was out of town, but I did as soon as I got back in town! I also was so excited and shared pictures from our trip as well. Our parents and friends were/are so happy for us. It's the most fun, special feeling I've ever experienced...loving every minute of being engaged! We're getting married at a beach near where we live here in FL. in April. I can't wait! :)
I told my sister right away. We didn't have an official announcement but did have a small engagement party with his family before the ceremony took place.
ReplyDeleteSince I've been married over 13 years, FB status wasn't really an option at that time. :)
I called my mom and close family. Also close friends then updated my relationship status on FB and my status. Also posted a pic of my ring. Silly but it was really fun.
1. My now hubby knows how much family is important to me and that I wanted the ones I loved there for the engagement. He proposed on a ferris wheel and as soon as I screamed "yes!" I looked down to see my closest family members and our future maid of honor and best man waving and smiling up at me! They knew first. Haha.
ReplyDelete2. I didn't get a facebook until on our honeymoon, as funny as that is.
3. I just told most people. I never sent engagement notices because my husband was going through chemotherapy and we got married 3 months after he proposed. Some people I suppose found out when they got the wedding invite!
My husband proposed to me when we were at Disney World. He did it in front of Cinderella's Castle with a glass slipper. So I was far away from my family and friends when I got engaged so we immediately called my parents first and then I called my best friend.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have facebook or other social networks so there wasn't anything to update.
We announced our engagement to every one else by sending an email with just a picture of my hand with the ring on it and the subject line of the email just said "Guess What?".
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
Our story isn't terribly romantic, but it's never bothered me! My husband is from Mexico and we'd been living there together for years but I'd decided that I was ready to move back to the US. The only way for him to move with me was to get married (we would have continued to be together in Mexico, but probably wouldn't have gotten married) for the visa.
ReplyDeleteSo my husband was the first person I told we were engaged, as it was pretty much a done deal as we filled out the immigration paperwork. And I wasn't using any social networking sites at the time. Didn't formally announce it either. Mostly because we had to get married here in the US rather than Mexico and his family obviously couldn't come and it was really hard on him to have such a big life change without his family there.
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
My husband proposed 5 times before I said yes. We had both been married before and I was hesitant to make the commitment. I told my daughters first.
My mom was the first person I told...& I'm not sure I actually said anything, just held out my hand to show her my ring. :)
ReplyDeleteThere wasn't a whole lot of announcing to do - I think everyone else knew before I did that he was going to ask me to marry him. I wrote a letter to all my out-of-state girl friends, telling them all the details.
My husband proposed on New years eve and we were around our family and friends. The next day I called all my best friends and told them over the phone. I didnt post on any social network sites.
I told my sister and brother in-law first, they were the first people I saw :)
ReplyDeleteI did not update facebook right away, I wanted to tell the people I loved most before they saw it on the internet.
We sent out announcements :)
WE told his parents and family first. Then i called my parents! It was on Facebook by the end of the day, but that wasn't the first thing we did. We announced our engagement in a church bulletin and word by mouth. We also sent out Save the Date cards, and that sure got the word out! :)
I told my mother and best friend first. I waited to update my facebook, because I wanted everyone to hear it from my mouth before the internet. I pretty much just called everyone to announce it.
Brother in law just got engaged last Sat. and the first to know was her family and friends. We found out the next day in person b/c they were coming over for a birthday party. I don't know about FB b/c I don't have an acct.
ReplyDeleteWhen I got engaged we told family over the phone.
First person I told was my mom, even though she knew already. I called her immediately after.
ReplyDeleteI posted on my facebook that we were engaged within a few hours.
We are getting married in June and we mailed Save the dates to let our guests know.
We got engaged the weekend of a good friends wedding, right before we left on Sunday after the brunch. Most of my close friends were there so they knew right away. I then called a few others and my family.
ReplyDeleteI did post pictures of the proposal on FB, so thats how everyone else found out.
We didnt tell anyone right away as we were away at a B&B. Then we called our families once we got back in town.
My husband popped the question at our favorite resturant after dinner with a bottle of Moet. I was so surprised that I just started crying. He had to ask me 3 times before I could say yes. We then went to each of our parents homes to tell them in person.
I was only 20 when I got engaged, long before social networks so no I didn't update my status LOL (this was in the year 2000)...I first told my mom over the phone (I was in Buffalo, she in Miami)...I didn't make any formal announcements, just verbally to family and friends.
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com
The first person i called was my mom and dad...
ReplyDeleteupdate social status- we didnt have facebook- i had to tell everyone by phone.
annouce our engagement- we dint have a party or anything- we just told evryone.
tcogbill at live dot com
My parents already knew he was proposing, but I called them first. Then my best friend who was my MOH. I updated my status on FB the next day so the world knew!!
My husband proposed to me in front of our church up on stage, so pretty much everyone knew at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI told my parents. He proposed on top of a mountain we just hiked up. So I was telling about our hike and said oh and I brought back a rock from the mountain too- and then showed them the ring!
Jbs813 at gmail dot com
Oops I misspelled my email address
ReplyDeleteJbh813 at gmail dot com
the best surprise I've ever gotten. Went to Vegas for a friend's bday and came back engaged. He proposed to me during the belagio water show. (Amazing! He chose the right moment, water shooting out in the background, Picture perfect!) First people to know were our friends who were there, but I called my parents and txt my sister and cousins first. Since I don't have a "super" phone, our friends where the first to post that we were engaged.
ReplyDeleteWe told my husband's parents first, and I remember my future sister-in-law bounding into my room early the next morning and waking me up because she was so excited! Our engagement and wedding was pretty low-key, at a little chapel in the forests of Oregon. Exactly what we wanted:) -Liz I.
ReplyDeletechlives at hotmail dot com
My husband actually proposed to me in public - on stage, during the Christmas Eve church service. So most of our family and friends knew the very second I did! It was pretty cool. :)
ReplyDeleteI told my parents first. It was 12 years ago...before social networking. We told people as we saw them. It was more fun in person.
ReplyDeletekristen_yeh at yahoo dot com
I told close family and friends first, and then I made the big announcement on facebook
ReplyDeletek k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo
It was 24 years ago and i told my grandma we met om christmas eve and married 5 months later
My mom and sister were the first people we told (it happened on the way to my mom's house for cake on my birthday). We didn't update our online statuses for months :). As for "announcing" it, we kind of just let the word spread or told people as we saw them in person. spork_of_truth(at)hotmail(dot)com